Trimec Pest Solutions are able to supply a solution to your Spider Problem. Getting rid of spiders should be left to a qualified pest control company as they have the expertise to eradicate the spiders in a safe and secure way. It is advisable to treat for spiders at least once a year as there are some nasty ones about such as Red Backs and White Tails.
Trimec will spray the external areas of your property making sure that the spiders are removed from areas such as Wendy houses, garages, fencing, behind heaters and other eternal boxes. Basically our technicians will inspect your property very carefully and spray where they see any traces of spiders.
It is important that we spray externally for spiders on a dry day as the spray takes about 2 hours to dry and, for the continued effectiveness of the insecticide, it is important that is able to dry. The insecticides that are used are not harmful to children or pets, however, it is advisable that children and pets are kept away from the sprayed areas for a minimum of 2 hours. We always suggest to our clients that they take their children and/or pets out for 2 hours after we spray.
If there a lot of spiders invading the inside of the property it is also possible to spray the internal areas of the property. The pest controller treating for spiders may decide to just spot spray inside if there are very few spiders inside the property.
You get a three month warranty with the spider treatment, however, the treatment usually lasts longer all depending on the time of year the spiders are treated